The Growing Place, LLC is the premier maternal wellness center in the Lehigh Valley, specializing in comprehensive non-medical support for women and families. Our services include birth and postpartum doula services, childbirth education and yoga birth classes, lactation support, postpartum and infant care classes! We strive to provide meaningful services to growing families that address their physical and emotional needs.

We believe that:

  • Every family deserves to be respected as individuals and as a unique family unit.

  • Women should have an abundance of support across their lifetime to support their personal philosophies and goals.

  • Everyone deserves a pregnancy and childbirth experience that is both peaceful and empowering.

  • Woman-to-woman support across the ages is abundantly beneficial.

  • Our personal philosophies have no place in our care and servitude to you. The only opinions about your care that matter are yours.

  • It is an honor to serve you and your family.

Our Story

The Growing Place was born out of the dream of collaborative support for growing families. A casual discussion among two local advocates for women's health resulted in a tail-spin project that became a labor of love for the next 15 months and finally gave birth to The Growing Place in 2013. We strive to promote emotional and physical wellness in women and families through education and hands-on support.