Placenta Encapsulation, Tinctures and More
We take your safety and ours very seriously! As a result, our approach to placenta services may be a little different than what you are used to.
In Home Encapsulation- Our encapsulation specialist prepares your pills in the comfort of your home, ensuring client and encapsulator safety and reducing the risk of contamination. Your partner or another family member can bring it to your house within 24 hours after it is birthed and we will meet them there to start the process. We bring all of our own equipment, supplies and barriers, we just need a space to work. Our specialist is only in your home for 5-7 hours total over a two day period.
Why would I want my placenta encapsulated in my home?
Safety and peace of mind. You will know 100% that the placenta you are consuming is your own and has been handled with care and caution during the process. Although our sanitation practices meet all food handlers safety guidelines, your body is used to the microorganisms living in your home. Therefore, it is less risk of contamination when the placenta is being prepared in your space as opposed to our space, ensuring both your safety and ours as well. If in home encapsulation is not an option for you please let us know and we can discuss other options for encapsulation.
What is your service area for placenta encapsulation and tincure?
In order to ensure prompt service, we limit our service area to 1 hour from our office in Bethlehem, PA.
Why In The World Are People Consuming their Placenta?
Throughout history and around the world the placenta has been used by women after birth. Most mammals consume the placenta after the birth of their young.
The purpose of placenta encapsulation is to reintroduce the beneficial vitamins, minerals, hormones, proteins, and other nutrients to her body following labor and birth. It helps to restore a more balanced body function, prevent “baby blues” and the more serious postpartum depression, increase breast-milk production, shorten healing time, increase maternal energy levels, boost immunity, and provide an overall feeling of wellness to aid in the transition between pregnancy and the early postpartum period.
Some of the specific beneficial components are:
Oxytocin- boosts energy levels, promotes bonding between mother and child, enhances pain relief, and gives an overall feeling of well-being. Oxytocin is also the hormone of birth - it is responsible for the uterine contractions that push the baby out. This effect continues after birth, as oxytocin helps the uterus return to its original size and reduces bleeding. Oxytocin counteracts the production of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, and also enhances the breastfeeding let-down reflex.
Iron- Low iron levels can cause fatigue, poor concentration, and feelings of depression. New moms are often prescribed an iron supplement, due to the loss of iron through bleeding during and after birth. The iron contained in the placenta is thought to be more bio-available (readily absorbed by the digestive system) since it comes from the mother’s own body. There is also less risk of over-supplementation when iron and other nutrients are consumed directly from a natural source, rather than a manufactured pill, thus reducing the risk of side effects such as constipation.
Human Placental Lactogen- One of the hormones responsible for lactation. Consuming it via placenta capsules helps to increase in breast milk supply, as well as increasing the amount of protein and lactose in the breast milk, making it more nutrient-dense and therefore promoting healthy growth of the baby.
Prolactin- Promotes lactation; increases milk supply; enhances the mothering instinct.
B Vitamins- Help fight stress, anxiety and depression; boosts mood and memory; helps formation of new red blood cells.
Corticotropin Releasing Hormone (CRH)- Helps prevent depression. Cortisone reduces inflammation and swelling; promotes healing; fights stress.
Raw Method- The placenta is not steamed prior to dehydration. True raw preparation calls for dehydration at a temperature under 118 degrees F, but we follow Pennsylvania Food Handling Safety Guidelines and dehydrate all placentas at 160 degrees F. The capsule yield with this method is slightly larger, and there is a stronger energy boost. It may cause an upset stomach in those who are not used to consuming raw foods. The raw method is considered better for those who have a prior history of depression. The placenta must be processed within the first 48 hours if using the raw method.
Steamed Method- The placenta is steamed, usually along with lemon and ginger (we do not typically add any other herbs as they may not be well tolerated by a nursing baby. If you are allergic to ginger, please advise us ahead of time). It takes less time to dehydrate using this method, and teh capsule yield is slightly smaller. The energy boost is slightly more mild, but long-lasting with a warming "yang" effect (according to Traditional Chinese Method principles). The capsules may be easier to digest since the placenta was lightly cooked. The Steamed method is preferred for those with a history of anxiety or insomnia. The Steamed method can be done at any time, as long as the placenta has been stored properly in the fridge or freezer.
Additional Services:
Placenta Tincture- A small piece of placenta in a dropper bottle filled with high-proof vodka. Your tincture keeps for years and can be used later on for PMS, menopausal symptoms, and times of emotional distress, illness or low energy. Tinctures have a very long shelf life when stored properly. *Tinctures take 6 weeks to prepare
Placenta Prints- 4-6 beautiful works of art, made by painting your placenta (with its own blood, or with food-safe materials), then making an imprint on watercolor paper. Prints are then laminated to preserve them.
What do women say about taking placenta pills?
"By taking my capsules every day, I feel like it boosted my milk supply and energy. I would do it again in a heartbeat if I have another baby!"
“I had my placenta encapsulated after my second child was born. I had a very different postpartum experience, no anxiety, no baby blues, less bleeding and a more abundant milk supply. I tell all my friends that they should do it!”